Tuesday, 21 August 2012

Oh, We Do Like To Be Beside The Seaside...

... We just don't like it when people interrupt us with crappy news.

So, last night we loaded the Evil Monkeys and the Ginger Idiot into the car and drove them down to Nanny and Grandpa Creeps, arriving very late. We were surprised to discover my brother still there, with his ENORMOUS dog, Billy, that my brother and his wife rescued. A first time meeting for my small ones and none of the three of them quite knew what to make of him. Territory was established by the dogs (my Mum and Dad have one too) and by the time we made it down this morning the three dogs were firm friends. The Monkeys are still a bit wary of Billy as he is a very big dog.

When Mr Creeps finally surfaced, he and I set out to have a bit of a reccy along the coast to see if we could get a 'feel' for the place. We want somewhere small, but busy enough to be sustainable, and most importantly - good schools. It was a beautiful day, and there's nothing like sea air and amazing scenery to really cheer you up. Mr Creeps had actually started to relax and get some human-tone skin colour going on.

Just as we were about to go and meet up with the Aged Creeps and the Evil Monkeys, we received a call from Haematology. The platelet tests had shown up abnormalities, and they weren't 100% sure that it wasn't because of some of the supplements that Mr Creeps has been taking. They want re-test in two weeks and are not prepared to sign him off for an operation until this is done, meaning postponing the Op.

We argued that he had stopped taking the supplements from round about the last set of tests at the end of July because he had been warned it could have an effect. They still want a recount. So, after much to-ing and fro-ing, they have agreed to get him in ASAP, to try and get the results back before Wednesday-week. Even if the results are the same or different, they will still make the same recommendations (to give him the medicine to he maintain the clots) as if he was going from THESE results.


Mr Creeps is leaving his job on the 25th to fit around this. We have arranged child care. We have spoken to their schools, altered holidays, missed festivals, and generally had a pretty dull year because of this op. We have arranged our entire lives around this date, and now they are telling us it may change because all the bloodwork has been left to the last minute.

Anyway, we took some deep breaths (a few smokes in Mr Creeps case) and went off to meet the gruesome twosome and their keepers for the day. We eventually found them on the beach coating themselves in ice cream (I suggested that suncream would have been a less sticky option), and so much ice cream smearing, sand-castle building, and 'splashing' Daddy went on.

Spot the professional...

Evil Monkey 1

Evil Monkey 2
A good giggle was had by all and it was two tired Monkey's that we put into Grandpa Creeps car to go back to their house in.

Finally, back home here tonight wondering what do we do now. The only answer to that is that we wait and hope.

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